Lebanon explosion leaves more than 100 people dead and 4000 injure – Live Leak

In this video, we can see a tragic event in Lebanon that shook the lives of its people. A powerful explosion rocked the city, leaving behind a trail of devastation. The explosion took the lives of more than 100 people and left around 4000 others injured.

The hospitals were overwhelmed, with doctors and nurses working tirelessly to save as many lives as they could. The city was in a state of shock and mourning. The explosion came at a time when Lebanon was already facing challenges. The country was grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic, and hospitals were already stretched thin. The economic situation was dire, with many people struggling to make ends meet.

Lebanon’s story is a reminder of how political instability, economic problems, and bad governance can greatly affect a country’s well-being.

The objective of this video

The objective of this video is to inform and raise awareness about the tragedy that occurred in Beirut.

Here are some factors that contributed to the explosion in Lebanon:

Improper Storage Practices

The main reason for the explosion in Lebanon was a result of a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored unsafely in a warehouse at the port. Ammonium nitrate is a highly explosive material commonly used in fertilizers and as an industrial chemical. It can become unstable and dangerous if not handled and stored properly.


There was a failure in proper oversight of regulations regarding the storage and handling of hazardous materials. The responsible authorities did not take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the stored ammonium nitrate.

Political and Economic Instability

Lebanon was already grappling with a severe economic crisis and political instability. The tough economic situation in Lebanon, with prices going up quickly, and not enough jobs for people made it hard for the country to prioritize safety concerns. The government was already struggling to deal with the economic challenges, which made it difficult to give enough attention and resources to ensure safety measures were in place.

The incident highlighted a failure in the regulatory and safety measures within the country, as the dangerous material was allowed to remain stored in a densely populated area without proper precautions. It raised questions about negligence, corruption, and inadequate governance.

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